MGH Physician-Scientist Development Award
The MGH Physician/Scientist Development Award is designed for MD and/or PhD investigators at MGH who are considered underrepresented in academic medicine (UIM). This award is intended to provide transitional funding for support in the development of physicians and/or scientists who are underrepresented in academic medicine, and thereby increase opportunities for UIM researchers to advance to senior positions in academic medicine at MGH. The Center for Diversity and Inclusion will evaluate the need for this award on a regular basis.
Based on national data analyzed by the National Science Foundation, the following racial and ethnic groups have been shown to be underrepresented in biomedical research and health-related sceinces: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, Native Americans, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
For the purposes of the PSDA, MGH follows the definition of under-represented in medicine and biomedical research (UiM) of the NIH and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). UiM groups may include Latino/Hispanic (including Brazilian), African-American/Black, American Indian, Native American, Native Hawiian and Alaskan Natives, among others.
PSDA/CTDA Panel Discussion: Click here for the recording of the Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 12p - 1p panel discussiion.