Center for Diversity and Inclusion PSDA FAQs
Q: Am I a UiM?
A: For the purposes of the PSDA, MGH follows the definition of underrepresented in medicine and biomedical research of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
UiM groups may include Latino/Hispanic (including Brazilian), African-American/Black, American Indian, Native American, Native Hawaiian and Alaskan Natives, among others. Asians may be considered UiM if they are underrepresented relative to the population that MGH serves, e.g., Cambodian or Laotian.
Q: What information should I complete in the Partners Cover sheet?
A: The Partners Cover Sheet is not required at the time of application.
Q: Are letters of recommendation required?
A: Yes, two letters of recommendation are required; one from the Department Chair and one from a mentor.
Q: Is a list of references/bibliography required with the Research Plan?
A: Yes, but this does not count towards the 5-page limit.
Q: Does the application need to go through Grants Management for pre-review?
A: No, please submit your application directly to ECOR using the MGRI Online Grant Management Portal. You can access this by clicking here.
Q: When will the applicants be notified of the funding decisions for this award?
A: Applicants will be notified via email in March 2025.