Pre-application Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025 - 5:00 PM
From the NIH call the NIH ORIP's Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10) program, also known as a SIG, supports the purchase or upgrade of a single item of high-priced, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems.. The minimum award is $50,000. There is no maximum price limit for the instrument; however, the maximum award is $750,000. Examples of instrumentation supported by SIG funding include, but are not limited to: X-ray diffractometers, mass spectrometers, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and light microscopes, cell sorters, and biomedical imagers. Investigators who would like to purchase or upgrade a single item of high-end, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems should apply for the High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program. Please note that the minimum award for an HEI grant is $750,001 in direct costs and the maximum award is $2,000,000 in direct costs.
Typically, the MGH Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) commits funding to provide institutional support for Shared Instrumentation Grant (S10) and High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant proposals. ECOR has made this commitment because it recognizes that institutional support greatly increases the likelihood that a S10 or HEI application will be funded.
Since 2014, the following has been required in each SIG/HEI application:
The institution must explicitly state a commitment to provide financial support for the proposed financial plan should a shortfall be experienced due to a lack of other grant funding or chargeback/volume fluctuations (see Sect. IV).
A separate communication will be sent directly to department chiefs addressing the support of financial plans for submitted applications.
The institution must also provide a Letter of Support that includes a table that provides information about instrument performance of all previous S10 awards for instruments awarded or installed within the past five years.
To meet this requirement, any recipient of an S10 award from 2020-2024 will be asked to provide specific details that will be used to support all shared instrumentation grants going forward. A separate email will be sent directly to the PIs to which this applies and the required table of S10 awards will be emailed to S10 applicants to include in their proposals to NIH.
The Pre-application must be submitted through the Online Grant Management portal by the MGH PI or their delegate.
The internal review process is meant to help strengthen each NIH application, confirm space requirements, and to determine the level of institutional support.
We understand that the NIH application is extensive and that the process takes a lot of preparation. For this reason, please continue working on your NIH application while ECOR reviews your internal application. In addition, the reviewers may provide feedback that will help strengthen the final application. During the review process, ECOR may reach out to PIs if they have any questions.
Typically, applicants will receive a letter of institutional support and the table of S10 awards required to submit the application to NIH.
ECOR Pre-application Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2025, 5pm
NIH Application Deadline: Monday, June 2, 2025
As previously stated, the Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program awards range from $50,000 - $750,000 for the purchase or upgrade of a single item of expensive, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems. The High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant Program supports the purchase or upgrade of a single item of high-end, specialized, commercially available instruments or integrated systems. The awards will range from $750,001 to a maximum of $2,000,000 in direct costs. NIH also requires a letter confirming the institution's financial commitment and support.
Applicants must have a full-time MGH appointment at the time of application and during the entire award period.
Applicants must hold their primary appointment at MGH and their research must be based at MGH.
The pre-application must include the following 13 items:
Title of Submission
Type of Grant: Choose one of the following two categories based on the type of grant application being submitted to NIH: Shared Instrument Grant or High-End Instrumentation (HEI) Grant.
Application status. Is this a new application or resubmission to NIH? If this is a resubmission, please upload the NIH comments from the previous application.
Equipment Requested.
Include the name of the equipment and a URL for specifications.
Select "Update" if the purchase will replace existing equipment.
Does the equipment already exist on an MGH campus? If yes, explain why the equipment is not accessible or cannot be used.
Estimated Cost of Equipment.
Planned Location of Equipment. Include Building, Floor and Room #
Renovation Required. Will any renovations be required to install the equipment? Select Yes or No. If yes, who will be paying for the renovations? What is the estimated cost of the renovations (If an estimate is available at time of ECOR application)?
Signed Statement Confirming Renovations (Signed by Department Chair and Unit/Division Chair/Center Director). Please download this Confirmation of Endorsement Form and review it with your Chair and Unit/Division Chair/Center Director. Every applicant should complete this form, regardless of whether renovations are currently required. The costs of any renovations or enhancements of infrastructure that exceed the committed funds provided by ECOR are the financial responsibility of the department. By signing this form, the Chair or Center acknowledges that they are aware of this arrangement and will be responsible for any additional costs for the renovation or enhancement.
Significance. What is the significance of procuring this piece of equipment to your research lab, department and the institution? Please be specific in discussing your field of study and the impact of this equipment.
Use of Institutional Funds. What do you plan to do with the institutional funds? (i.e. procurement, maintenance, etc. )
Potential Users (If available at time of application). List a minimum of 3 Major Users. Include name, degree(s), department and institution.
Major Users must be a PD/PI on a distinct active NIH research award in an area of basic, translational or clinical research. An award given to multi PDs/PIs is counted only once. NIH training or fellowship grants and other non-research grants cannot be counted.
Investigators with funding from sources such as other federal agencies (e.g., NSF, DoD), private foundations or academic institutions can be listed as Major Users, provided they are engaged in basic, translational or clinical research and can demonstrate a substantial need for the instrument.
Major Users can be researchers from the same department or from several departments or divisions at MGH or from nearby or regional institutions.
Major users may come from distant institutions, but they must demonstrate the need for the instruments and describe plans for regular access to the instrument
Technical Expertise (250 words maximum) Per the NIH Call, the PI for this application should have documented technical expertise directly related to the type of the chosen instrument. Describe very briefly the technical expertise of the individuals who will set up and run the instrument, ensure that the instrument is safely operated and appropriately maintained and who will train users.
Administration - Organizational/Management Plan (1 page maximum): Briefly describe the organizational plan to administer the grant. Describe how requests to use the instrument will be enlisted. Describe typical day-by-day management of the instrument.
Use margins of 0.5 inches or greater
Use 11pt font size or greater
Upload PDF documents only. Limit characters to A-Z, a-z and 0-9 when naming PDF documents. Do not use periods, commas or dashes in the file name.
ECOR accepts all applications online via the Online Grant Management Portal. The system has been designed to allow users to:
Create a personal profile, which will auto-populate your future ECOR applications
Assign a delegate to submit applications on your behalf (optional)
View current calls and apply to open opportunities
Save and edit current applications in progress
Submit completed applications
View all your ECOR applications that have been submitted via the Online Grants Management Portal.
Instructions for Applying Online:
Create your account: Log in using your Partners credentials and fill-out the profile information.
Complete the application: Once your profile is complete, you will automatically progress through the online application. If you cannot complete the application at one time, “save” the application and return to it at a later time to finish. Before submitting your application, you will have the ability to make changes to the application.
Submit your application: Once you have completed the application click on the “submit” button at the bottom of the page. Once you submit it, you will not be able to make further changes unless you send a request to ECOR (note that once the deadline passes, requests to make changes will not be accepted).
Useful tips:
To avoid losing your work, remember to save frequently
You can only upload PDF documents
If you previously created a profile, please ensure your information is current prior to submitting an application.
Click 'Apply' below to begin the application.
If you have any questions, please email ECOR.