Applications for this grant are no longer being accepted.

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards 2024

(This award is designed for Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens of Canada.)


MGH Internal Application Deadline

Friday, August 11, 2023 - 5:00 PM



The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth. The award is designed for Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens of Canada.

The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship program is to:

  • attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally
  • develop their leadership potential
  • position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow 

There is no set cap on the number of applicants MGH can endorse, however there is a significant amount of institutional involvement required for this application process. The internal application will be used to confirm the applicant's eligibility and to assist the applicant with obtaining the required institutional letter of endorsement. 



The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship is a stipend of $70,000 (taxable) per year for 2 years and does not support indirect costs (IDC).  There are no additional funds provided for travel/research.  This Fellowship is not subject to the MGH 20% IDC requirement. The award will start sometime between April 2024 and October 2024.



MGH Internal Application Deadline: Friday, August 11, 2023 at 5pm

Sponsor Application Deadline: Wednesday, September 20, 2023




"Citizenship: Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens of Canada are eligible to apply with the following stipulations:

  • Applicants who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada may only hold their Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at a Canadian institution
  • Applicants who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and who obtained their PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree from a foreign university may only hold their Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at a Canadian institution
  • Applicants who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and who obtained their PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree from a Canadian university may hold their Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at either a Canadian institution or an institution outside of Canada

For a list of eligible health professions, please see CIHR’s webpage.

Degree Requirements:  Applicants to the 2023-24 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program must fulfill or have fulfilled all degree requirements for a PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree:

  • between September 15, 2020 and September 30, 2024 (inclusively), and
  • before the start date of their award

Applicants who have not fulfilled all requirements for their degree at the time of application must submit proof directly to the sponsor no later than October 15, 2024.

For applicants who have completed more than one PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree, the eligibility window applies to the most recent of these degrees.

Applicants who currently hold or have held agency-specific (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) awards at the postdoctoral level are eligible to apply to the 2023-24 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program only if the term of that funding officially ends on or before September 30, 2024 and prior to the start of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. Early termination of the agency-specific postdoctoral award for the purpose of application to the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is not permitted.

Applicants can apply for both the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program and other agency-specific postdoctoral fellowships programs (whether to the same or a different federal granting agency) at the same time, provided that the research proposed in each application falls within the mandate of the federal granting agency to which the application is submitted. For more information, please refer to Identify area of research.

*Applicants who are successful in both competitions will have to choose which award to accept.”


Please click here so see other eligibility requirements and a list of allowable extensions to the window of eligibility. Click here to view the application guide.




Applicants are evaluated and selected based on the following three criteria, weighted equally:

1. Applicant's research excellence and leadership in the research domain

  • demonstrated capacity for research excellence based on track record as defined by the quality of the applicant's research contribution; and
  • demonstrated capacity for leadership in the research domain as defined by the sphere of influence achieved to date by the applicant.

2. Quality of the applicant's proposed research program

  • potential of the proposed research program, executed in the proposed institutional environment, to position the applicant to have significant impact through a research-intensive career.

3. Institutional commitment and demonstrated synergy between applicant and institutional strategic priorities

  • demonstrated commitment of the institution to champion the development of the applicant's research and leadership capacity through support (funding, facilities, equipment, etc.) and professional development;
  • institution’s research capacity (demonstrated or potential) in the research area of the applicant’s proposed research program, which will enable the institution to provide an intellectually stimulating environment to position the applicant as a research leader; and
  • demonstrated alignment and synergy between the applicant's research ambitions and the institution's potential to benefit strategically from engaging with the applicant.



As there is a significant amount of institutional involvement required for this application process, we ask that all applicants who are interested in applying and meet the eligibility criteria, submit the 3 items listed below. The internal application will be used to confirm the applicant's eligibility and to assist the applicant with obtaining the required institutional letter of endorsement. 

The MGH internal application must include the following 3 items:  

1 Project Title

2. Biosketch of the applicant in NIH format (not a CV).  Click here for a sample NIH biosketch. Include the month and year the applicant received his/her PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree.

3. Confirmation of Citizenship or Permanent Residency: Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or a foreign citizen of Canada to be eligible to apply with the following stipulations.  Please indicate the following stipulation(s) that applies to the applicant:

  • The applicant is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. This applicant may only hold their Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at a Canadian institution 
  • The applicant is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and obtained his/her PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree from a foreign university. This applicant may only hold their Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at a Canadian institution
  • The applicant is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada and who obtained his/her PhD, PhD-equivalent or health professional degree from a Canadian university may hold their Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at either Canadian institution or an institution outside of Canada


  • Use margins of 0.5 inches or greater
  • Use 11pt font size or greater
  • Upload PDF documents only.  Limit characters to A-Z, a-z and 0-9 when naming PDF documents.  Do not use periods, commas or dashes in the file name



ECOR accepts all applications online via the MGRI Online Grant Management Portal.  The system has been designed to allow users to:

  • Create a personal profile, which will auto-populate your future ECOR applications
  • Assign a delegate to submit applications on your behalf (optional)
  • View current calls and apply to open opportunities 
  • Save and edit current applications in progress
  • Submit completed applications.

Instructions for Applying Online:

1.        Create your account: Log in using your Partners credentials and fill-out the profile information.

2.        Complete the application: Once your profile is complete, you will automatically progress through the online application. If you cannot complete the application at one time, “save” the application and return to it at a later time to finish. Before submitting your application, you will have the ability to make changes to the application.

3.        Submit your application: Once you have completed the application click on the “submit” button at the bottom of the page. Once you submit it, you will not be able to make further changes unless you send a request to ECOR (note that once the deadline passes, requests to make changes will not be accepted).


Useful tips:

  • To avoid losing your work, remember to save frequently
  • You can only upload PDF documents
  • If you previously created a profile, please ensure your information is current prior to submitting an application.

  Click 'Apply' below to begin the application.



If you have any questions, please email ECOR.

To review the Banting Fellowship application guidelines and process, please click here.