1. New & Improved Sign In Process for Research Navigator |
Partners has upgraded the software used to sign in to Office 365 applications, which includes Research Navigator. If you are logged into the Partners network, all you need to do is enter your email address in the Office 365 screen to access Navigator - you no longer need to enter your Partners username and password. Additionally, once you’ve entered your email address the first time, then future times you can simply click on the entry.
You can get to Research Navigator from the link above or from the Partners Applications menu. If you are not logged in to the Partners network, the sign in process will be the same as before (email > username > password). Please email researchnavigator@partners.org with questions.
2. Securing your Computer Connection |
Partners has embarked on a strategy to improve the computing experience across the breadth of devices used at work to assure productive, clean and stable computers (Windows PCs, Apple Macs, smartphones and tablets). With the recent virus and ransomware attacks, both within our System and Internationally, Partners is accelerating this effort to improve the security of our environment. A change will be made to Mac desktops and laptops to help secure our environment. On Tuesday, July 18, 2017, the ForeScout SecureConnector Network Access Control (NAC) agent will be installed on all devices enrolled in PEAS… click for more. |
3. Increased prevailing wage requirement for new Research Fellow H-1B, H1-B1, or E-3 requests |
Each year on July 1, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issues new wage data which is used to calculate the prevailing wage for several visa categories including the H-1B, H-1B1 (Singapore and Chile), and E-3 (Australia) work visa. This wage information, among other details, is collected on the required labor condition application (LCA).
In order to ensure that employers are not using visa holders to undercut U.S. workers, there is a prevailing wage requirement for those visa categories. The prevailing wage is the threshold below which an H-1B cannot be paid.
As of July 1, 2017, DOL set the new prevailing wage at $51,210 for the occupational category that covers Research Fellows. This means that any Research Fellow H-1B, E-3 or H-1B1 request being submitted to PIPS must offer a minimum salary of $51,210.
Employees who currently have active or pending H-1Bs will NOT immediately be affected by this increase. It only affects people who are seeking new H-1B status or an H-1B extension and for whom an LCA has not yet been filed and certified.
Finally, this is not related to an Executive Order or a new policy designed to challenge visa seekers. The wage data has been known to fluctuate as it is based on DOL annual survey data. Prevailing wage changes may also affect other occupational categories for which H-1B (H1-B1, E-3) status is sought.
If you have questions about the prevailing wage for a specific case, please follow-up with the assigned advisor.
1. Clinical Research Billing from Study Start to Completion |
Thursday, July 13, 10:00am – 12:00pm, Simches 3.120
Sponsored by the MGH Division of Clinical Research and the MGH Office of Research Compliance
Pamela Richtmyer, Senior Research Compliance Associate, MGH Research Compliance
This presentation will provide a basic overview of clinical research billing. Attendees will gain a general understanding of the clinical research billing process including:
Developing a study budget that will cover all costs
Epic research billing responsibilities
Determining what is billable to insurance
Routing charges appropriately
Insight Patient Care Correction process
Maintaining financial health of study
Understanding relevant regulations and requirements
Available resources
The Clinical Trial Billing Education Series is provided by MGH Research Compliance for the MGH Division of Clinical Research.
This course is geared towards investigators, research nurses, study coordinators, project managers, and all other study staff.
This program meets the requirements of the Board of Registration in Nursing, at 244 CMR 5.00, for 1 contact hour of nursing continuing education.
Registration is required. Contact Tiereny Morrison-Rohlfs with questions.
2. Travel Signature Sessions |
J-1 and J-2 visa holders must always have a valid travel signature on their DS-2019 (not more than a one year old) when travelling internationally. Please note that several of PIPS Advisors' regularly-scheduled travel signature sessions at BWH and MGH have been rescheduled in July/August 2017.
July 13, 10:45am - 11:30am, Office for Sponsored Staff and Volunteer Services
July 25, 11:30am -12:30am, (check calendar for location)
August 10, 10:45am - 11:30am, Office for Sponsored Staff and Volunteer Services
(Cancelled: August 7)
August 16, 11am-12pm (check calendar for location)
1. Deliberative Interim Support Funding |
The Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) is accepting applications for the August 1st deadline for the Deliberative Interim Support Funding. August is the third of three standing deadlines for these awards in Fiscal Year 2017. The next deadline will be December 1, 2017.
What are they?
Deliberative Interim Support Funding
This is open to Principal Investigators during a lapse or delay in their research funding from the NIH or another Federal agency (e.g., the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense). Investigators must have applied for independent, long-term support (R01, R21, U01 and P01). The Deliberative Interim Support process is open to:
Investigators whose grants were not scored or whose scores were not translated into a percentile ranking.
Investigators whose grants received scores >20th percentile.
Investigators who have already received Formulaic Bridge Funding or Deliberative Interim Support for a previous submission of this grant and are now requesting support for the resubmission of the same grant. Investigators in this category must apply through the Deliberative Interim Support process for this application regardless of the score they received.
When is the deadline?
Tuesday, August 1, 2017 - 5:00 PM
How do I learn more and apply?
Deliberative Interim Support Funding - Click here
2. NIH Director’s Early Independence Award Program |
Preliminary applications are now being accepted by the Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) for the NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards.
What are they?
The NIH Director’s Early Independence Award Program supports exceptional investigators who wish to pursue independent research directly after completion of their terminal doctoral/research degree or clinical residency, thereby forgoing the traditional post-doctoral training period and accelerating their entry into an independent research career.
MGH is eligible to nominate two candidates to apply to NIH for this award.
When is the deadline?
MGH internal preliminary applications: Monday July 10, 2017 – 5:00 PM
How do I learn more and apply?
Click here to for more information and to apply for this award.
3. Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Award |
(This award is designed for Canadian Citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens of Canada.)
What is it?
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship program provides funding to the very best postdoctoral applicants, both nationally and internationally, who will positively contribute to the country's economic, social and research-based growth. The award is designed for Canadian Citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens of Canada.
The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship program is to:
attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, both nationally and internationally
develop their leadership potential
position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow
There is no set cap on the number of applicants MGH can endorse, however there is a significant amount of institutional involvement required for this application process. The internal application will be used to confirm the applicant's eligibility and to assist the applicant with obtaining the required institutional letter of endorsement.
How much is each award?
The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship is a stipend of $70,000 (taxable) per year for 2 years and does not support indirect costs (IDC). There are no additional funds provided for travel/research. This Fellowship is not subject to the MGH 15% IDC requirement.
When is the deadline?
MGH Internal Application Deadline: Monday, August 21, 2017
Sponsor Application Deadline: September 20, 2017
How do I learn more and apply?
Click here to read more and apply online.
To review the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship application guidelines and process, please click here.
4. Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine |
The Harrington Prize for Innovation in Medicine, presented by the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals – part of The Harrington Project for Discovery & Development – honors a physician-scientist who has moved science forward with notable achievements in innovation, creativity and potential for clinical application.
This annual prize includes:
An unrestricted $20,000 honorarium
The Harrington Prize Lecture, delivered at the 2018 AAP/ASCI/APSA Joint Meeting
Participation at the Harrington Discovery Institute Annual Symposium
A personal essay, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation
This prize requires Institutional Nomination; MGH is not limited in the number of nominees we can submit. If you are interested, please contact MGH ECOR at ecor@partners.org by July 15, 2017 to be considered.
5. Limited Submission Funding Opportunities |
We ask that all MGH Investigators interested in applying for any limited submission award submit a Letter of Intent (see detailed instructions below) to the MGH Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) by the deadline indicated for each award to be considered to receive an institutional nomination.
Submit a one- to two-page Letter of Intent (LOI) to the MGH Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) via email to ecor@partners.org. In addition to your LOI, please include an NIH Biosketch.
The letter of intent should include:
Name of the Principal Investigator with appropriate contact information
A descriptive title of the potential application
Brief description of the project
Brief description of why you specifically should be selected to receive institutional nomination for this award
If there is more than one MGH investigator interested in applying for each limited submission award, the LOIs will be used to assess candidates and a review and selection process will take place.
Current Limited Submission Funding Opportunities
Please click here for more information and for our internal deadlines.
Clinical Research Sites for the Network of Excellence in Neuroscience Clinical Trials (NeuroNEXT sites) (U24) –NEW!
Gabrielle's Angel Foundation
Avon Breast Health Outreach Program (Avon BHOP) – NEW!
NEI Center Core Grant for Vision Research (P30) – NEW!
NIAMS Rheumatic Diseases Research Resource-based Centers (P30)
Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (P30)
George M. O'Brien Kidney Research Core Centers (P30)
If there is a limited submission funding opportunity you do not see listed below or you have any additional questions, please let us know at ecor@mgh.harvard.edu.
6. Private Funding Opportunities |
Please note that any grant that brings in less than 15% in indirect costs (IDC) will need to be supplemented up to the 15% equivalent by existing investigator or departmental sundry funds. Resolution of this issue must occur prior to submission of the award.
Please contact Corporate & Foundation Relations in the Office of Development at devcfr@mgh.harvard.edu if you wish to submit a proposal in response to any of these funding opportunities. Note that proposals are still routed through the standard InfoEd/Research Management process.
Week of 7/7/17
John W. Walsh Translational Research Award in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, Alpha-1 Foundation (A1F)
Program for Innovative Continuing Medical Education in Dermatology (PICMED), American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
Linked Standard Research Innovation Grants, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Chronic Pain Medicine Research Grant, American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA)
Grand Challenge Awards, Cancer Research UK (CRUK)
Targeted Research Initiative for Research Related to Cannabinoids and Epilepsy, Epilepsy Foundation
PhD Trainee and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF)
Research Grants, Nutricia Research Foundation
Research Grant Program, The Glaucoma Foundation (TGF)
7. NIH Update for Week Ending July 7, 2017 |
For the latest National Institutes of Health notices, requests for applications, and program announcements, follow this link: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/WeeklyIndex.cfm |
In Case You Missed It |
Reminders of recently posted funding opportunities, deadlines and events |
MGH ECOR Formulaic Bridge Funding Support
Application Deadline: July 7, 2017; 7th day of each month
Boston Biomedical Innovation Center (B-BIC) Accepting PILOT & DRIVE Grant Pre-Proposals
Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials - Tuesdays and Thursdays, September - October 2017
MGH Clinical Research Day - October 5
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