The Executive Committee on Research (ECOR)

The Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) of Massachusetts General Hospital was established in the late 1940s. Meeting twice-monthly, this committee is the central body for research governance, bringing together a broad representation of internal stakeholders to provide strategic guidance to the hospital's leadership regarding research priorities.

A major strength of ECOR is its diverse and regularly-rotating membership which includes many department chiefs, elected members of


News and Events

2025 Warren Triennal Prize

The winners of the 2025 Warren Triennal Prize was announced on April 3, 2024. The Warren Prize Celebration will be held on April 2, 2025 at the Simches Auditorium. Learn more



the research community, appointed members, hospital senior management and directors of the Mass General Thematic Centers and the Mass General Cancer Center.

Facilitating communication among scientists, both within Mass General and with collaborators outside the hospital, has become increasingly important in the current era of multidisciplinary, multi-institutional team science, and ECOR plays a vital role in this process.

Learn more about ECOR >