ECOR Elections FAQs
Q. Who can nominate or vote for representatives to ECOR?
To submit a nomination or vote, you must be:
A scientist at MGH
Have your primary appointment at MGH
Hold an academic appointment of Assistant Professor or above
Answer Yes to the question: "Do you consider yourself to be primarily a researcher?"
Q. What should you expect of a representative to ECOR?
ECOR representatives should be able to speak to your interests and concerns in discussions and planning for research at MGH. Representatives are expected to:
Attend bi-weekly ECOR meetings: ECOR meetings are 2 hours long and are held on the second and fourth Monday of the month (except for August).
Chair the monthly Research Council Meetings: sixty minute forum held on the first Monday of the month (except July and August).
Elected Representatives are responsible for setting the Research Council agenda for each meeting by working with the Director of ECOR.
The chair helps drive the agenda items based on feedback received from the community, and items of special interest.
Elected Representatives alternate being the chair for each meeting.
Increase interaction with members of the research community. Elected representatives make themselves available during "drop in hours" before and after each Research Council Meeting to allow individuals to ask questions, raise any concerns or issues or bring forward any suggestions they may have.
Q. How many seats are open and what is the term length?
In 2024, there are three seat open for election of a new ECOR representative from the research community at large . This position is open to Full Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors.
There are a total of six elected members, two from each faculty rank. Elected representatives serve a 3-year term.
To ensure a balance of continuity and renewal, their terms are staggered and different seats are up for election every year. At the end of his/her term, each representative is eligible to run for re-election to a second 3-year term. Any representative seeking a third term must sit out one year before again seeking re-election.
Q. Why is it important to vote?
This is your opportunity to have a voice in the governance of MGH research. Researchers at the MGH have a variety of scientific goals and interests, academic backgrounds, and life experiences. By voting, you can select representatives who can speak to your interests and concerns about MGH research.
Q. How can I vote?
Voting is completed online using the ECOR elections website. To vote you must login using your Partners Username – click here for the site.
Q. If I have problems voting or have additional questions who should I contact?
Please email ECOR directly if you have any questions.