Howard M. Goodman Fellowship Recipients

2023: Gaurav Gaiha, PhD
Department of Medicine,
Ragon Institue

2023: Alexandra-Chole Villani, PhD
Department of Medicine


2022: Kamila Naxerova, PhD
Department of Radiology
Center for Systems Biology


2021: Caroline Sokol, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine
Rheum, Allergy, and Immunology

2022: Andrea Edlow, MD, MSc
Obstetrics and Gynecology

2020: Shawn Demehri, MD, PhD
Department of Dermatology
Cancer Center
2021: Benjamin Kleinstiver, PhD
Department of Pathology
Center for Genomic Medicine

2018: Mo Motamedi, PhD
Department of Medicine
Cancer Center

2019: Marcela Maus, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine
Cancer Center


2017: Mario L. Suva, MD, PhD
Department of Pathology


2016: Robert Anthony, PhD
Department of Medicine
Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology



2015: Alexander Soukas, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine 
Center for Human Genetic Research
2014: Filip Swirski, PhD
Department of Radiology 
Center for Systems Biology



2013: David Langenau, PhD
Department of Pathology


2012: Jodie Babitt, MD
Department of Medicine, Nephrology




2010: Sek Kathiresan, MD
Cardiology/Heart Center/Center for Human Genetic Research (CHGR)


2009: Raul Mostoslovsky, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine, Cancer Center




J. Rodrigo Mora

2009: Johnathan Whetstine, PhD
Department of Medicine, Cancer Center

2008: J. Rodrigo Mora, MD, PhD



2007: Lynda Stuart, MBBS, PhD

2006: Bradley Bernstein, MD, PhD
Department of Medicine, Center for Systems Biology